R80 steel threaded trapezoidal bars, with nitrided profile for extra resistance to wear and corrosion.

Threaded bars from TR 10 to TR 100 with maximum lenght 4000 mm. Profile hardness of 450 Vickers – maximum profile depth of 0,30 mm - saline mist resistance of 250/300 hours.

(R100 nitrided steel bars with hardness of 600 Vickers and saline mist resistance of 400 hours are also available on request)


NB: The nitriding treatment gives additional hardness to the threaded profile making it more resistant to wear but, however,

rendering it more fragile andtherefore before considering it for safe load

use in vertical applications please consult the Bimeccanica technical office.

barra filettata con profilo nitrurato e supporti mobili


 A: Combines perfectly with

     our “standard” bronze      

     (SN12 UNI 7013-72) nuts      

     and lead nuts. 


B: Practical combination

     with Compact Simple bronze

     (SN12 UNI 7013-72)



C:  Shown in use with

     our steel mobile support

     with patented axial

     play adjustment.

* The nitrided bars, in addition to the above IF (fully threaded bars) series are also available on request in versions FC (threaded with shank), BD (bi-directional left/right thread) and to clients’ design for custom screw terminals.



*Esposizione pubblicitaria delle nostre barre Nitrurate e Anodizzate

con brochure.


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